
Saturday, August 30, 2008

NOSTALGIA'S Got Me......

Do you ever feel it?
do you ever wish hose days would come back
all the haunting emotions they bring
thinking of people who have moved on
thinking of so many things that could have been
love and success reduce the pains - temporarily
because some day everyone takes his dose.
Sometimes it looks like the past was wasted
the man is lonely now that once frittered hearts
and left everyone in adoring wonder
all the glories walk with those that knew them
there he lies, wasted and no bard to tell
to think that once, those moments meant everything
now no one wants it; blast from the past
even today's idiots think they have a better deal
even when what they have is empty nothing.
Then we wonder was it all worth it.
Ever so often, it seems like the best is done
and what is gone is more than the future can give
Well, afterall, the past has no anxiety
Why can't we just bask there
or perhaps allow time to swing ...random
past future present future past present past past
Oh! My mind is going again............